Hiking in the Irish Hills

This afternoon I went for a hike in the Irish Hills from the Madonna Road trail head. I took the Mariposa Trail. The trail winds through lowland trees before reaching the ridge line.

The Mariposa Trail winding under the trees.

The Mariposa Trail winding under the trees.

The views of San Luis Obispo and the cerros are very impressive from the trail.

Cerro San Luis Obispo (Madonna Mountain) viewed from the Mariopa Trail.

Cerro San Luis Obispo (Madonna Mountain) viewed from the Mariposa Trail.

Above the trees the views are still wonderful.

A panorama of San Luis Obispo from the Mariposa Trail.

A panorama of San Luis Obispo from the Mariposa Trail.

I took the Morro View Trail to the far side of the hills. On a clear day you can see right to the Pacific Ocean. Today was clear in San Luis Obispo but a bit foggy at the coast. I could just barely see Morro Rock and the ocean through the fog. The wind started to pick up, gusting over the ridge.

Morro Rock viewed from the Irish Hills.

Morro Rock viewed from the Irish Hills.

On my return I took the Mine Trail and visited the abandoned chromite mine that gives the trail its name. Upon returning to Mariposa Trail I picked up the King Trail and took it back to the trail head.

It was good to get in a hike while things are still green. In the past few days tones of brown have become conspicuous in the San Luis landscapes. The gold will be upon us soon, so it is time to savor the green.

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